Crop Products Balance Sheets, 2018-2019

19.03.2020 -

The highest degree of self-sufficiency was realized as 445.5% for hazelnut

The degree of self-sufficiency of cereals (total) was realized as 92.4% in the marketing year 2018-2019. In wheat with the biggest share in total cereal production, degree of self-sufficiency was 100.5%. For two products; barley and maize, which are important inputs to fodder industry, degrees of self-sufficiency were realized as 94.7% and 70.3% respectively.

Degree of self-sufficiency of selected field crop products, 2018-2019

For hazelnut, with the highest degree of self-sufficiency in the nuts group, the degree of self-sufficiency was realized 445.5% in the marketing year 2018-2019. There was self-sufficiency for all fruits in the group of citrus fruits.  The greater part of total supply of tea was supplied domestically and the degree of self-sufficiency was 96.8%.

Degree of self-sufficiency of selected fruit products, 2018-2019

The degree of self-sufficiency of vegetables was realized as 106.4% in the marketing year 2018-2019. The highest self-sufficiency in vegetables was 113.8% in carrot, 110.6% in tomato and 109.1% in squash.
Degree of self-sufficiency of selected vegetable products, 2018-2019

